Como ser um bom chefe

Tirado do inluminent/weblog: Reading: How to Become a Great Boss

The Great Boss Simple Success Formula

  1. Only hire top-notch, excellent people.
  2. Put the right people in the right job. Weed out the wrong people.
  3. Tell the people what needs to be done.
  4. Tell the people why it is needed.
  5. Leave the job up to the people you\’ve chosen to do it.
  6. Train the people.
  7. Listen to the people.
  8. Remove frustration and barriers that fetter the people.
  9. Inspect progress.
  10. Say \”Thank you\” publicly and privately.

É interessante ver que tudo isso são coisas óbvias. Inclusive algumas dessas regrinhas apareciam no PeopleWare do Tom DeMarco (melhor livro sobre gerenciamento de recursos humanos que li até hoje). É frustrante ver como no mundo há poucas pessoas que sigam essas regras tão simples.

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