Mo’Better Blues

Não tem jeito… O meu maior problema é que nunca acabo nenhum projeto já que quando estou com ele em andamento aparece algo que chama totalmente a minha atenção e rouba a minha concentração. Confesso que estou me segurando para não largar tudo e me atirar de cabeça nisso:

Wired News – Real DJs Code Live

“I tend to fall back on pre-prepared scripts if it’s 3 o’clock in the morning and I’ve been drinking a lot,” he said. “If I manage to stay sober, I will be much more daring and start from no code at all.” Maclean, who plays up-tempo dance music with a trumpet-playing friend under the moniker Slub, performed and spoke on a panel at the Cybersonica festival in London in May.

He wrote his own custom text editor called, which recompiles his programs continuously throughout a set. Every keystroke builds an evolving melody as his darting cursor adds and replaces functions and tempo variables. The live composition process is displayed to patrons on large projector screens.

Livecoders have formed an international consortium called TOPLAP, which stands for “temporary organization for the proliferation of live audio programming” and has 200 members. For them, livecoding is a philosophical challenge.

“By describing a musical idea in code, we’re describing it at a higher level than if we’re entering notes into a sequencer,” Maclean said.

Calma Charles, mantenha o foco, você tem várias coisas importantes para fazer, não vá perder tempo aprendendo ChucK, calma…

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