Comércio eletrônico

Tá sozinho na vida? Sem companhia? Querendo casar? Pois então, eis a solução dos seus problemas: compre uma filha!

Marry Our Daughter is an introduction service assisting those following the Biblical tradition of arranging marriages for their daughters.

Those who wish to list their Daughters with our site should click on SIGN UP OUR DAUGHTER on our main page for a form to fill out.

Those who wish to propose to a specific Daughter should click on the PROPOSE button on the Daughter’s INFO CARD.

A venda mais bizara que eu achei foi essa:

Courtney P.
Age: 13,
Location: South
Bride Price: $49,995

Courtney’s grandmother married at 13, her mother married at 13, and Courtney has decided she wants to keep the tradition going. She would prefer to stay close to her large extended southern family and loves farm or at least rural life. She got an A in Home Ec. and has read up on what else would be expected of her as a wife and is looking forward to it.

E tem até pechincha!

Anna R .
Age: 17 ½,
Location: Northeast

Bride Price: $3,995

Anna R. has been living with foster families since she was 5 and is a bit rough around the edges but is basically a good girl. When she turns 18 she will age out of the foster system and will have to move out and is looking for a kind and caring man to look after her needs while she looks after his.

A humanidade é algo, não? Na real na real espero que esse site aí seja uma piada…

Update: sim, de fato só pode ser piada. Fazia tempo que não me divertia tanto com um site. 😀

Update II: sim, é realmente uma piada. 🙂

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